Terms of service

Last update: 14th March 2024

These provisions regulate the access and use of the service of the portal https://www.delfos.energy/ (hereinafter the "Web Site") owned by Delfos ENERGY S.L (hereinafter “the Company” or “Delfos”) and made available to Internet users (hereinafter the "User(s)").

You can contact us by e-mail at contact.eu@delfos.energy or by telephone +55 85 21819575.

The mere access and/or use of all or part of the contents of the Website and the information provided therein implies full acceptance of the Terms and Conditions and the rest of the Legal Texts (Legal Notice, Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy).  If you do not agree with all or part of them, we recommend that you refrain from using the Website.

2.1 Use

Access and/or use of the Delfos web site confers the status of User, who undertakes to make proper use of the web site in accordance with the Law and these Terms and Conditions, assuming any liability which may arise as a consequence of legal non-compliance.

It is expressly forbidden to use the Web Site for purposes detrimental to the property or interests of Delfos or third parties or which overload, damage or render useless the networks, servers and other information equipment or products of Delfos or third parties.

2.2 Contents

The User, in accordance with current legislation, must refrain from:

  1. Reproduce, copy, distribute, make available, publicly communicate, transform or modify the Contents except in those cases authorised by law or expressly consented to by Delfos or by the holder of the exploitation rights, as the case may be.
  2. Extract and/or reuse all or a substantial part of the Contents of the Web Site and of the databases made available to Users by Delfos.
  3. Not to alter, copy, download, modify, decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer, license, rent, sell or imitate the web site, its contents or its basic software.
2.3 Data collection forms

Without prejudice to the provisions of Clause 4 and the privacy policies of the Website and which may be applicable from time to time, requests addressed to Delfos shall require the provision of certain personal data, the processing of which shall be carried out in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Users may send us their queries, requests and comments, subscribe to our periodical Newsletter to receive professional and/or commercial information from Delfos or its collaborators, as well as access to contents and materials which may be made available to Users through the forms provided for this purpose on the Web Site. Such contents shall be free of charge in general. Otherwise, it will be detailed on the Website, informing the User of the cost and payment procedure, delivery and means of execution and other relevant information for said contracting. In cases where such content and materials are offered in digital format, the User's right of withdrawal shall not apply, as provided for in letter m) of article 103 of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of 16 November, which approves the revised text of the General Law for the Defence of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws.

The User guarantees the authenticity of all data provided and shall keep the information supplied to Delfos up to date. In any event, the User shall be solely liable for any false or inaccurate statements made and for any damage caused to Delfos or to third parties as a result of the information provided.

2.4 Third party links

These Conditions of Use refer only to the Website and contents of Delfos and shall not apply to links, third party web pages accessible through the Website or any other content provided by third parties. Delfos shall not exercise any control over the information, contents, products, or services provided by third parties with links to the Web Site.

Consequently, Delfos shall not assume any liability whatsoever arising therefrom, nor shall it guarantee the technical availability, quality, reliability, accuracy, extent, truthfulness, validity and constitutionality of any material or information contained in any such hyperlinks or other Internet web sites. Likewise, the inclusion of these external links shall not imply any kind of association, merger, or participation with the linked entities. Furthermore, Delfos hereby declares that it shall remove or disable any link or content as soon as it becomes aware that the activity or information of third parties to which it refers may contravene current legislation, morality, or public order, as well as infringe the rights of third parties.


All intellectual and industrial property rights applicable to the contents included in the Web Site are owned by Delfos or its licensors and are protected by national and international legislation in force. Unless expressly stated to the contrary, all rights over the contents are the exclusive property of Delfos.

The foregoing includes, but is not limited to, images, brands, logos, distinctive signs, sounds and animations, texts, sound, visual and audiovisual recordings, and the databases that make up the Website and form part of the same.

Any use by you which has not been expressly authorised in advance by Delfos, whether direct or indirect, whether for profit or not, of the contents, including downloading and storage, transmission, public communication, distribution, reproduction or transformation, in whole or in part, of the same, is expressly prohibited and Delfos may take any legal or extra-legal action it deems appropriate as a consequence of any infringement of its rights.


The personal data collected on the Web Site in connection with the browsing of users, as well as the communications or requests they send via its online forms, shall be processed by Delfos, as data controller, in accordance with the regulations applicable at all times and guaranteeing the confidentiality thereof, as set out in the Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy.


Delfos shall not be liable for the web pages of third parties which are accessible from this web site; nor for the accuracy, truthfulness and validity of the information on the web site which are not of its own creation, the contents of which belong to third party information sources outside Delfos.

However, by virtue of article 17 of Law 34/2002 of 11 July 2002 on information society services and electronic commerce, when Delfos becomes aware of the unlawfulness of such content or links, it undertakes to remove or disable such links and to remove or, where appropriate, block any content which may be unlawful or infringe the rights of third parties, in accordance with articles 11 and 16 of the aforementioned Law.

Neither shall the company be liable for any damages caused by failures or misconfigurations of the software installed on the user's computer. All liability is excluded for any technical incident or failure that occurs when the user connects to the Internet. Likewise, the non-existence of interruptions or errors in accessing the website is not guaranteed.

Furthermore, Delfos reserves the right to update, modify or delete the information contained in its web site, as well as its configuration or presentation, at any time without assuming any liability for such action.


Delfos reserves the right to modify or update the General Terms and Conditions at any time. In any case, it is advisable to consult these terms and conditions from time to time as they may be modified.


These Terms and Conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Spain. The Courts and Tribunals of Barcelona shall be competent for any claim. All notices, summons, requests and other communications which the User may wish to send to Delfos must be in writing and shall be deemed to have been correctly sent when they have been received at the following address contact.eu@delfos.energy.

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